Dealing With Chronic Heel Pain?

If you’re dealing with heel pain, you may notice that it’s difficult to walk normally and it’s painful to walk and enjoy the activities that you normally love. It’s important to understand why you may be dealing with heel pain and how you can manage your pain. Dr. Richard Grayson at Avon Podiatry Associates in Avon, CT, can explain how you can deal with heel pain and start feeling comfortable throughout the day.

Dealing with Chronic Heel Pain

Dealing with heel pain can be frustrating and can make it hard to even walk around comfortably. You may not always experience pain while moving but have the most pain after you’ve been sitting for a prolonged period of time. Your podiatrist in Avon, CT, can explain what’s causing your heel pain and what treatments you can do to ease some of your pain throughout the day.

Heel pain is often caused by plantar fasciitis. This is when the plantar fascia, which stretches from the ball of the feet to the back of the foot, is enflamed and often overused. This occurs when you’re spending a lot of time on your feet or wearing improper footwear and have arch problems. You might notice that your heels feel stiff and sore and that it’s difficult to walk. Symptoms may be worst after waking up in the morning or after sitting once you’ve been standing for a long period of time.

Your podiatrist will help you discover how to manage your heel pain through a variety of treatments. You may do stretching exercises to help strengthen the plantar fascia and may need to wear splints while you sleep. You can also ice your feet to help with pain. In severe cases, we offer ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment). This treatment targets the heel and helps to stimulate the body's natural healing response.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

Don’t hesitate to address your chronic heel pain. Contact Dr. Richard Grayson at Avon Podiatry Associates in Avon, CT, to find out how to deal with your heel pain and live your best life. Call for more information today at (860) 677-7733.